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Wellesley Testosterone

A Take on Health Optimization

Updated: Jun 24

Health optimization focuses on proactively prioritizing well-being. That is to say, holistically caring for oneself in a preventative fashion rather than waiting for disease to occur and then managing symptoms. Health optimization takes into account many factors including physical, mental, and emotional well-being with the focus being on promoting longevity and health span. The term health span is used purposefully and should not be confused with the more commonly used lifespan. Health span refers to time spent in good health free of functional ailments and chronic disease in which the individual can truly enjoy optimal well-being. It differs from a lifespan in that lifespan refers only to the length of time one lives and does not take into account the quality of that time. For practitioners specializing in health optimization, the focus is on health span and quality of life.

There are many ways to optimize health, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, prioritizing sleep, etc. and typically the more the better. Stacking healthy habits, engaging in preventative care, and correcting nutritional and/or hormonal deficiencies can have compounding benefits and are all aspects of health optimization. Although preventative care is becoming more normative in traditional medicine it is still largely focused on screening and early detection rather than true prevention. This is a step in the right direction but to truly optimize health more proactive interventions are needed.

Testosterone replacement therapy is a good example of health optimization. Most patients presenting with symptoms of low testosterone secondary to aging have testosterone levels within the so-called normal range. From a traditional medical perspective lab values within the normal range indicate that disease is not present. In a black-and-white sense, this may be true but when a patient is experiencing symptoms despite normal lab results it creates a gray area that is harder to define. This phenomenon has become known as adult-onset hypogonadism is not recognized as a treatable condition in the traditional healthcare system. From a health optimization perspective though, these patients can very much benefit from treatment, if desired. Testosterone replacement therapy can help alleviate the symptoms associated with low testosterone and help men live higher-quality lives guided by the principles of health optimization.

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