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Wellesley Testosterone

When does TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) start to work?


There is no hard and fast timeline for how long it will take someone to start to feel the effects of TRT but there are some general patterns that apply to most individuals. Keep in mind that a person's unique medical history, lifestyle practices, baseline testosterone level, and dosing can significantly impact how long it will take to realize results. That being said most people begin to notice improvements within the first month of therapy.

The first improvements tend to be psychological and include things like improved mood and increased energy. Some men also notice an increase in libido early on in treatment. Within the next couple of months, physical improvements begin to manifest. Body composition starts to change in favor of increased muscle mass and sexual function begins to improve with morning erections becoming more frequent and erectile dysfunction (if present) becoming less apparent. During this time improvements in mood, energy, motivation, and general well-being continue as well. By six months of therapy, most men notice more significant changes in body composition, endurance, strength, and general fitness. If erectile dysfunction had not improved prior it should be by this time. Less noticeable changes are also taking place within the body including increases in bone density and revival of metabolic health.

At the year mark men are typically well established on their routine and enjoying the full benefits of TRT with stabilized improvements in all aforementioned areas. Beyond those, the long-term benefits of optimizing testosterone levels may include a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Arguably even more importantly, men report TRT significantly improves their quality of life and vitality two things that tend to diminish, not improve, with time.

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